Vision Zero
Tyre Safety
How often do people check their tyre pressure?
Wrong tyre pressure immensly increase road accidents.
Evolving from best in braking to zero fatalities, zero injuries and zero accidents.
As one of the biggest safety experts worldwide, Continental has set itself an ambitious goal to be reached in three successive stages: evolving from best in braking to zero fatalities, zero injuries and zero accidents. And for good reasons. Only Continental knows the entire braking process in every detail – from pedal to tyre.
Road safety begins where the tyres touch the ground. Renown for outstanding tyre expertise, Continental has been improving worldwide road safety for over a century. Therefore, we want to inform as many drivers as possible about the safety benefits of using high-tech tyres inflated to the correct pressure and with adequate tread depth.
Apart from its innovative tyre products, the Continental Automotive Group already developed game-changing technologies that can be found in most modern cars nowadays: ABS, ESC and EBA, just to name a few. And this is only the beginning. With the ongoing rise of the intelligent car, there is more potential than ever to reach Vision Zero.
Continental is proud to provide holistic expertise in the key technologies for more road safety – paving the way to Vision Zero.